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Newsletter: March & April

Can you believe it’s May already?! I put my head down for a second to focus on a few projects, and when I looked up, it was almost summer! We’ve been so busy over here, I wanted to pause and share some updates with you. I’ve been catching up with some of my favorite brands, from Cire Trudon to Cocolux Australia, and taking time to enjoy SoCal’s beauty—I’ve been loving the spring blooms and warmer weather. Here are some highlights…

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0 In Lifestyle/ Newsletter

Newsletter: February

February Valentine’s Day might be over, but the seduction continues! We’ve had an exciting month jam-packed with some of the SEXIEST content I’ve ever written—and I’ve written a LOT! I wanted to share some of the highlights from the month of love just in case you missed anything. Luxury Candles Inspired by Classic Seductresses: Parts I & II That’s right, there were so many amazing seductress-inspired candles that I had to split it into two posts. From Cleopatra to Josephine…

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