Candle Styling
This unique service draws on my specialized experience with product styling and photography (as featured on Vogue.com and Forbes.com) and my intimate knowledge of the candle industry. I will style your candles and products to enhance their allure to consumers, completing all set up and design and drawing from my vast repertoire of props and backdrops.
I will select the visuals and background that best exude your brand’s unique style, accentuating each product with props that complement its individual attributes—from fresh flowers to fruit to silver and gold accessories to marble and granite slabs. My expert eye will ensure that you aren’t simply selling candles but rather a serene and exquisite lifestyle overall. I provide you with a set of digital images for your use in any capacity. Various packages available; contact me for more information.

Candle Koa
Inspired by the Maori word for ‘happiness,’ ‘joyfulness,’ and ‘elation,’ Candle Koa is a service exclusive to Well Boxed designed to bring balance to your life by harmonizing your space through candle placement and design. I will come into your home, office, or event space and select the most appropriate candle for each room or area to fit its intended purpose and atmosphere. As part of this service, I consider how the candle’s shape, size, fragrance, and color complements a space and inspires your desired mood, with the ultimate goal of cultivating happiness in your life.
I draw upon many of the techniques of aromatherapy to symphonize your environment with a harmonious state of mind. Whether it’s infusing a balanced and relaxed environment in your home, inspiring a tranquil atmosphere in a spa or massage studio, or setting the perfect mood for your dream wedding, I will bring your vision to life through my one-of-a-kind Candle Koa approach. I welcome the opportunity to coordinate with event planners and/or florists to ensure a unified design for your wedding, baby shower, anniversary party, or other special occasion. Contact me for options and rates.